For doctors, the operation process of patients is the most practical way to see everything clearly. Many people often ask which is the most effective in lighting up a patient’s body. This is the point where surgical lamps come to help. The ligh...
VIDIEŤ VIACHey friends. Learn about awesome gadgets that assist doctors and nurses in doing their important work today. When you go visit the doctor or a hospital, you may see bright lights shinning everywhere. These Micare lights are known as medical...
VIDIEŤ VIACFor surgeons and emergency room doctors and nurses, having the right tools is critical. A good headlamp is one important tool that helps them do their job well. A headlamp is a special light that can be placed on the head, making it easier for them t...
VIDIEŤ VIACHave you ever sat in a hospital and felt uncomfortable with those older hospital beds? You know — the ones that require you to crank a little lever around to modify how the bed is configured? It can be quite frustrating! But we do have a solution for...
VIDIEŤ VIACThe operation process of patients for doctors is the most important thing to see everything clearly. This is the point where surgical lamps come to help. Surgical lamps are those special lights which are mainly used during surgeries. You help the doc...
VIDIEŤ VIACMicare well knows how a doctor or surgeon can make the difference between life and death in many cases. One of the most essential tools a surgeon uses is good lighting. The surgeon can see everything clearly and accurately thanks to the proper lighti...
VIDIEŤ VIACHello, young readers! Today we will be talking about hitting a light that doctor uses for operation. Ever wonder how doctors view the inside of your body during long surgeries? To do so is not easy, and especially when they work for many hours. But i...
VIDIEŤ VIACThey are surgical magnifiers made by a company called Micare. Such tools are useful they help surgeons see things clearer when performing surgeries. Sweeping the area from above helps with visibility during a surgery: the more details surgeons an see...
VIDIEŤ VIACKeď chirurg vykonáva operáciu, sedatívnych pacientov je potrebné umiestniť do polohy, kde sa cítia bezpečne a pohodlne. V takýchto prípadoch je na operačnej sále veľmi dôležitých niekoľko typov zariadení, ktorými sú ergonomické operačné lôžka. ten...
VIDIEŤ VIACMicare: Svetlo pre letiskové pristávacie dráhy Svetlá na pristávacie dráhy (potrebné, keď lietadlá pristávajú alebo vzlietajú; v noci alebo za zlého počasia sú nevyhnutné) Chceme osloviť potenciálne rastúce krajiny a letiská, potrebujeme viac týchto malých svetiel t...
VIDIEŤ VIACVeľmi užitočné nástroje pre lekárov a zubárov, kedykoľvek to potrebujú. Naše lekárske lupy. Jeho dizajn má skôr pomôcť týmto profesionálom jasnejšie vidieť väčšie detaily. Zlepšujú sa v tom, čo robia, vďaka improvizácii...
VIDIEŤ VIACČo je chirurgická lampa? Chirurgické svetlo označované aj ako svetlo na operačnej sále je lekársky nástroj, ktorý používajú zubári a lekári a pomáha im vidieť dovnútra úst alebo tela pacienta, keď vykonávajú operáciu. Táto lampa som...